Saturday, 28 January 2012

The HP Laptop Trolling.

Someone made an "Official" HewlettPackard DeviantArt account and trolls a ton of Bronies, including Tekaramity. Especially Tekaramity. The account's down, so there's no point in linking to that.

The fake HP guy said "they" are making pony-themed laptops and it tricked the moderator into posting that onto EqD, spreading the lie to every single brony on the internet. That wasn't the impressive part. (If it was, I wouldn't be redundantly posting a topic already covered on EqD.)

No, this was.
And the comments.


Edit: And it was at the last minute I find out Tek posted a bit more than just that.
January 19, 2012: "Neodymium" (I'm kinda curious how much this is truth or lie.)
The "congratulations"from "HP" happened on January 24th, and the post on EqD was on the noon of January 28th. The apology was posted on the same day, 3:37 PM.

It makes some more sense, he knew this guy a week before so "HP" played around long enough to gain some trust.

And in the comments, Sibsy also got tricked. XD

Monday, 9 January 2012

Second post...Finally

I noticed I have completely forgot about this blog when talking about Anti-bronies was EXACTLY what I was doing all this time while I kinda disappeared. So let's get down to business.
A fan of JohnJoseco, popular brony artist, spams the comments section for... well, you know.

The Pony Archive incident is already posted and discussed on EqD, so you wanna go there instead. There's not much to talk about here that's already been said there.


You may have heard about the NCF, or the Niggest Crook Force. Made up of two people:

I got my information from here.
But I couldn't find much information about these guys. Would be great if anyone finds something and reports.

Also, Seth is a clopper. Clearly, the Great and Powerful Trixie is inferior to the TRUE best pony, Film Reel!